Getting started with GitHub Actions and Bicep - Part 2

In part 1 of the series, I got my GitHub repository set up with a secret containing a service principal for Azure. This setup allows me to create a GitHub actions deployment using the service principal as authentication. In this part, I create the GitHub action to create a resource group in my Azure subscription. GitHub actions are using the YAML format, and for me, this took a bit to get used to, not because it is hard to read and write, but because the indentation is important and coming from PowerShell and JSON, this is new to me.
4 minutes to read
Martin Therkelsen

Getting started with GitHub Actions and Bicep - Part 1

I want to guide you through the initial setup for GitHub Actions and Bicep in this blog series. If you read my last series on Azure and Terraform, I want to do the same deployment, but this time using the tools mentioned. As this is a getting started guide, I will show all the steps I have taken to set up the deployment and reference the sites I have used to find knowledge.
3 minutes to read
Martin Therkelsen

Getting started with Azure and Terraform – Part 5

In this last part of the blog series, I will create a virtual machine and install the Citrix Cloud Connector software on this machine. It is important that the VM can reach the domain and join it since a Citrix Cloud Connector has to be domain joined before it will install. In my case, here I have the VPN up and running and using my on-premises active directory as the domain to join.
4 minutes to read
Martin Therkelsen

Getting started with Azure and Terraform – Part 4

In this part of the series I want to add the VPN to the solution and this includes the Virtual Network Gateway, the Local Gateway and the Connection objects in Azure and then I will also show you the setup in my ubiquiti setup I run at home. The VPN connection is a great way to get something running in Azure fast without having to install domain controllers and so on, instead we can use the existing environment we have on-premises so we can get up and running.
3 minutes to read
Martin Therkelsen

Getting started with Azure and Terraform - Part 3

In this part of the series, I want to create the Azure vNet and subnets for my Azure environment. I will be creating a hub/spoke topology where the hub will be connected to my on-premises environment later in this series. To get started with networking, I read through the modules and providers that Terraform provides. You can find it here . In the last part I wrote that I wasn’t sure how to handle the number of files and that is still the case, I do however want to change a bit from my last post, so let us get started.
5 minutes to read
Martin Therkelsen

Getting started with Azure and Terraform - Part 2

In this part of the series, I want to start creating my resource groups with Terraform. There are more ways to do this, but since I have been working with automation a bit, I know I want to start with a list of resource group names and make a loop through these. The first step is to create a list of resource group names. I create a file called “” a reserved name in Terraform that you can use to contain the variables you want to use in the automation.
3 minutes to read
Martin Therkelsen

Getting started with Azure and Terraform - Part 1

In this series, I want to go through deploying a complete infrastructure in Azure using Terraform. My goal is to create a virtual network, network security groups, VPN to on-premises, a couple of virtual machines with Citrix Cloud connector installed on them. I am learning this myself as I go through this series, so if anyone reading this has some pointers to do it better or easier, please do reach out to me.
3 minutes to read
Martin Therkelsen

Using Azure DSC to configure a new Active Directory Domain

In this article, I want to show you how easy it is to create a new Active Directory domain for demo environments. If you want something for production, there are some additional steps to take, but I won’t cover that here. You can use Azure DSC for many configurations, like setting up a domain controller, as I will show here. It is also possible to install Windows Roles and Feature and create your own resources to install and configure software.
6 minutes to read
Martin Therkelsen

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop service 2020 review

In this post, I want to provide an overview of Citrix’s enhancements to their Virtual Apps and Desktops Cloud service (CVADS) through 2020 that I feel is significant. Citrix introduced vertical load balancing in January, meaning that each Virtual Apps VM will be filled to max load before the next VM is used. This ensures that the cost customers might have in a public cloud can be reduced since fewer machines should be turned on.
4 minutes to read
Martin Therkelsen

Azure DevOps - Specify Az PowerShell module version

If you have ever worked with Azure DevOps and Azure PowerShell, you most likely also banged your head into the wall trying to get the release pipeline to use the latest version. I have run into this a few times myself, and this time around, I choose to stick with it until I found a solution, and I did. Most times, the answer was way more straightforward than I thought, and in this post, I will show you step by step how to do it.
2 minutes to read
Martin Therkelsen