Azure Template Specs

Intro Azure Template Specs is an option for storing Azure ARM templates inside Azure to ease sharing templates across your organization. Accessing Template Specs is controlled with RBAC assignments, making Template Specs security like most other Azure resources. Template Specs deploys resources in Azure and is compatible with the tools we know already, so PowerShell, Azure CLI, Pipelines, and the Azure Portal. To deploy from a Template Spec, a user only needs “Reader” permissions to the Template Spec, but permissions to create the resource in Azure are also required.
5 minutes to read
Martin Therkelsen

Azure DevOps Boards integration with Microsoft Teams

Intro Building on my last article on integrating Azure DevOps into Microsoft Teams, I want to show you how to incorporate dashboards and kanban boards. The integrations can be helpful when co-workers might not be inside Azure DevOps every day but are using Teams. Some of the integration can also provide co-workers/users the ability to create bug reports without having them inside your Azure DevOps environment. This article will add two dashboards and one kanban board into a Microsoft Teams channel.
3 minutes to read
Martin Therkelsen

Azure DevOps pipeline integration to Microsoft Teams

Intro I want to show how to add Azure DevOps into Microsoft Teams in this post. I will show how to add the App to Teams and integrate it with the DevOps pipeline. The integration will display any pipeline actions, and it will also post any approval action into teams. With this integration, you can delegate activities in DevOps to coworkers who are not comfortable with Azure DevOps but are very pleased with Teams.
4 minutes to read
Martin Therkelsen