Credits and sources Microsoft Learn Hashicorp Hashicorp docs Intro This article is about automating image builds in Azure. I am using Packer in this scenario and will use a Windows image for the examples. Linux builds use the same...Read More
Credits and sources Microsoft Learn Intro In this part of the blog series, I want to show you what Microsoft Defender for Key Vault (MDKV) brings. MDKV helps to protect the Azure Key Vaults against suspicious activities, and...Read More
Credits and sources Microsoft Learn Intro In this part of the blog series, I want to show you what Microsoft Defender for DNS (MDDNS) brings. MDDNS helps to protect the Azure DNS services against suspicious activities, and it does...Read More
Credits and sources Microsoft Learn Intro In this part of the blog series, I want to show you how to remediate or dismiss the recommendation that...Read More
Credits and sources Microsoft Learn TechTarget Intro In this blog series, I want to focus on how Microsoft Defender for Cloud (MDFC) can...Read More