Getting started with Azure and Terraform - Part 3

In this part of the series, I want to create the Azure vNet and subnets for my Azure environment. I will be creating a hub/spoke topology where the hub will be connected to my on-premises environment later in this series. To get started with networking, I read through the modules and providers that Terraform provides. You can find it here . In the last part I wrote that I wasn’t sure how to handle the number of files and that is still the case, I do however want to change a bit from my last post, so let us get started.
5 minutes to read
Martin Therkelsen

Getting started with Azure and Terraform - Part 2

In this part of the series, I want to start creating my resource groups with Terraform. There are more ways to do this, but since I have been working with automation a bit, I know I want to start with a list of resource group names and make a loop through these. The first step is to create a list of resource group names. I create a file called “” a reserved name in Terraform that you can use to contain the variables you want to use in the automation.
3 minutes to read
Martin Therkelsen

Getting started with Azure and Terraform - Part 1

In this series, I want to go through deploying a complete infrastructure in Azure using Terraform. My goal is to create a virtual network, network security groups, VPN to on-premises, a couple of virtual machines with Citrix Cloud connector installed on them. I am learning this myself as I go through this series, so if anyone reading this has some pointers to do it better or easier, please do reach out to me.
3 minutes to read
Martin Therkelsen

Using Azure DSC to configure a new Active Directory Domain

In this article, I want to show you how easy it is to create a new Active Directory domain for demo environments. If you want something for production, there are some additional steps to take, but I won’t cover that here. You can use Azure DSC for many configurations, like setting up a domain controller, as I will show here. It is also possible to install Windows Roles and Feature and create your own resources to install and configure software.
6 minutes to read
Martin Therkelsen